One-Item Challenge

What could be added to the game to make it more challenging?

What would you add to the game?

Made withbitsy


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Nice concept. It's kind of funny how a fly-mom is asking a frog to collect her children for her. If there was a way to randomize the generation of flys. In the map so that you had to search for them as they spawned in. Collecting a certain number of them before you can interact with the fly-mom.  One other thing I would add to the game is more dynamic dialogue. Involving a variable counter, that would change what the frog said as he ate more flys. The level design is really cool. It feels like a swamp. Kind of reminds me of the first Naboo level in lego starwars.

The end is so good, as is the dissonance of getting the instructions to bring the flies home and then immediately eating the first one you find.  Very funny.  I also loved the environment, it really captured the feel of a swamp or a creek.  It might be fun to hide some of the flies or put them in difficult to reach places, which would also show just how far this little frog would go to eat flies.

1)I think  more difficult-to-navigate environments would make the game more challenging.  Mazes or obstacles that would seem passable at first but are actually not, forcing you to think of other strategic routes could be something cool to implement.

2) I think it would actually be very silly if you had the option of either eating some flies or bringing them all home to the frog mom. You could choose to be cheeky on purpose or actually fulfill the original request which could create multiple different endings. More of your choices could have silly consequences.

1.) I think having some areas be harder to navigate would be interesting- like how someone else said: make the first swamp area a little like a maze would work really well. 

2.) Some varied text when picking up a fly would be nice. I also think that the game would work better with a larger map - more pathways leading to different rooms with different challenges on how to obtain the flies.
(also, is the middle left fly in the second room supposed to be obtainable?)

What could be added to the game to make it more challenging?

You could turn the first section into a bit of a maze by making certain parts of the swamp visually look thicker and unable to be passed through. 

What would you add to the game?

Would be fun to see an alternate ending if you avoid all the flies.  In the second room the one fly in the middle left side of the screen is unable to be collected and originally confused me slightly. 

What would you add to the game?

I suggest adding new maps or levels with varying environments, each presenting different challenges and opportunities for strategy. The concept of the frog bringing the flys back itself was pretty neat though.